After just a brief break…
I again turn my focus to weaving… Actually, I just wanted to point out that there are sign ups for a weave-along over at eloomanator. Participants will work their way through the textured woven patterns. Are you in?
I again turn my focus to weaving… Actually, I just wanted to point out that there are sign ups for a weave-along over at eloomanator. Participants will work their way through the textured woven patterns. Are you in?
To conclude the Week of Weaving series, I will show you how to weave on a weave-it or weavette hand loom. If you are still tuned in here in the third week of the week of weaving, I am guessing that you already know how to use a hand loom, …
A continuation of the Week of Weaving. If you have a two inch and a four inch loom, you can whip one of these up in no time… I really like the scalloped edges on the finished woven squares. I wanted my finished pouch to have the same edging, so …
A continuation of the Week of Weaving… I find it totally amazing that you can use two squares sewn together to a shape as funky as this one. When I was a kid and would get dragged to my Mom’s quilting meet-ups, many of the ladies had pincushions that looked …