Woven pouch
A continuation of the Week of Weaving.
If you have a two inch and a four inch loom, you can whip one of these up in no time…
I really like the scalloped edges on the finished woven squares. I wanted my finished pouch to have the same edging, so I just backstitched around the edge (one row in) of two 4-inch squares stacked on top of each other.
The back side of backstitch isn’t as attractive as the front, but it’s not too bad. I attached a 2-inch square to act as the closure. I sewed a buttonhole in one, and attached a snap to the other. Word to the wise – If you attach a snap, be sure to add a little backing fabric just behind the snap since the woven square isn’t sturdy enough to handle it. These aren’t too mind-blowing, but it is nice to see how a finished one looks, right?