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Tape Case

No one makes mixed tapes anymore. Everyone that I know has moved on to CD’s and iMixes. Most of my musical existence is entirely contained on my ipod. In fact, when I wanted to find an audio cassette I had to trek myself out to my 13 year old car …

Ipods are nice

I like mine quite a bit, even if it is an old 3G. I just had to have mine replaced (under my applecare warranty) because the battery was caput and the hard drive made a whirring sound. This makes the third one I have had, and when i got the …

Ipod Tube Sock

Here is my first attempt at a pattern for an ipod cozy. I made this out of some 100% mercerized cotton yarn, which knits up to look like the fanciest tube sock ever. Since the yarn was a little stiff, i washed the cozy after it was complete, and it …