The weekend’s work
The weekend’s work, a photo by Girlontherocks on Flickr. Kimchi, Bread and Butter Pickles (cukes with onions and celery), Rhubarb Liqueur, Grapefruit Rhubarb Marmalade
The weekend’s work, a photo by Girlontherocks on Flickr. Kimchi, Bread and Butter Pickles (cukes with onions and celery), Rhubarb Liqueur, Grapefruit Rhubarb Marmalade
I know I haven’t said much lately, but I am back and I have a lot to say. I got an itch to do some canning a few weekends ago. Looking back in my blog archives I unearthed an old post from almost three years ago when I discovered that …
I have been pretty busy lately and Stitches West is to blame. First, I have a project that has been toiling in obscurity for years… My Central Park Hoodie. I haven’t mentioned it here in over a year, and the pattern, project, and yarn all relocated to different unknown locations. …
I haven’t yet posted about my christmas break craftiness because there is so much to report that it is a bit overwhelming. But i figure I’ll break it up into a few pieces and it’ll be okay. Let’s see… where to start… “Start a vintage Crewel project” was the big …
Oh, just around the corner. Well crap. It snuck up on me. I have been so buy with work lately that I haven’t had a crafty moment to spare. A major deadline passes at the end of this week, and I have already started thinking about what I will do …
Another socktober is upon us… Last year I didn’t do too much sock knitting during Socktober… but at least I thought about socks a lot. There is the slim possibility that I will cast on for sock this month. I can guarantee that I am not going to finish one …
I have been unhappy with my ripple afghan for a while now. I haven’t ripped it out since I didn’t know quite what I would do instead. Now I have an idea… Inspired by the multitudes of fantastic hexagon blankets on Ravelry () and in the Hexagon love flickr pool, …
You know the fiddlehead mittens I mentioned in this earlier post? I really want to make a pair. Adrian (of Hello Yarn) made quite a splash by selling mitten kits – a pattern and a set of beautifully colored hand dyed yarns in a luscious 70% merino 30% mohair blend. …
After nearly a month of not blogging, i thought i should let you know that I am still around. I’ve done a little knitting Ravelry Project Page A little spinning California Red locks from A Verb for Keeping Warm Raverly page and…. i adopted a kitty! Introducing… Bean! She’s mouthy …
Mark my words, mittens are going to be huge soon. As a knitting project, they have all of the versatility and satisfying features as socks. Colorwork, textures, a variety of increase and decrease methods, thumb shaping (analogous to heel of toe shaping)…. And you can use them to try to …