
I have a soft spot for intricate, velvety wallpaper. Luckily I get my fix about once a week at the Mel-o-Dee where my knitting group meets. While I was visiting Los Angeles a few months ago, I ran across a crazy bathroom that had 5 different kinds of flocked damask wallpaper, and I took some pictures.

In fact, i started a Flickr group. So if you are out in the wild and see some wallpaper, take a picture and send it my way…

My recent Damask discoveries don’t end with wallpaper. A bit of browsing at Reprodepot has revealed the most fantastic modern Damask ever – Echino Woodland

Echino Woodland Fabric

Click through and check it out…. Hidden in the patter are skulls, bugs, and woodland animals. it is amazing. Too bad it costs an arm and a leg (also available at Superbuzzy).

I also found one more Animal damask – this one featuring only rabbits.

Bunny Damask

I would love to have these on my walls!

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