I didn’t buy all of it…
While we weren’t talking I did some shopping/trading on etsy. I thought I would share my finds with you since some of my friends claim that everything on etsy is crap. Okay, that’s not true. They said there is a lot of crap on etsy which is true, so I will help you wade through some of it.
What have we here…. clockwise from the top:
- Fork easel from Whimsylove. More about this later
- Crochet covered button from Jezze. This is so special it is going to live on my favorite lime green wool jacket. Cechk out her shop – she now has cool looking prints too…
- Chapstick for Zombies from my old friend at Made in a Treehouse. Homemade chapstick is delicious. And this one says “mmmm… brains” on it. you can’t beat that.
- Donut keychain from Sweet Honey Complex. For some reason I thought it was much tinier, but I still love it.
And in case you are wondering what that fork easel is for….
Holding my new recipe cards, of course!
Saturday Night Specials
On Saturday nights, many etsy sellers offer special discounts. It is a little clunky and you sorta have to work for it, but you need to watch the forum (bulletin board) for the announcement. Then individual sellers post their sales there. I have found several great sellers this way.
If you are new to etsy, tell them I (girlontherocks) sent you….