You are about to fall in love with Mosaic Knitting
In case you haven’t noticed yet, the Knitty surprise is up. I couldn’t help but notice that one of the patterns, Arietta, is a entire sweater done as a mosaic pattern! Fantastic! This also made me remeber to tell something to all those would-be-mosaic-knitters out there… We have another fantastic prize over at the Walker Treasury Project! Rachel, a generous wtp contributor, has provided a Lantern Moon Needle case as a prize. You will have one chance to win it for every Mosaic Knitting swatch you knit between now and… May 15! This prize (and only this prize) has an extension! And frankly, if you knit even one swatch, you are going to have a pretty good chance at it.
The next installment of the Amigurumi eyes series of posts will appear this weekend. And since I am talking about it, I need your help… Does anyone have any good online resources for plastic eyes? Leave me a comment or drop me an email if you would like to add any links to my (as yet unfinished) compiliation.