Bay Area Fiber Fair 2021
A summer festival celebrating fiber and diversity Over 20 fiber related businesses from around the San Francisco Bay Area have teamed up to make a virtual fiber festival for you to enjoy from your home! A few of the ways you can participate in virtual events are by ...
Casting off?
Hoping to finish this sweater to qualify for a prize entry for the Bay Area Fiber Fair. I have the body ribbing and the sleeves to go... Pattern: Humulus by Isabell Kraemer Yarn: Abundant Earth Fiber Verdant
Bay Area Fiber Fair 2020
A summer festival celebrating fiber and diversity Over 20 fiber related businesses from around the San Francisco Bay Area have teamed up to make a virtual fiber festival for you to enjoy from your home! A few of the ways you can participate in virtual events are by ...
COVID-19 Face Shield Production
I decided to fire up my 3D printer to make face shields using the open source pattern published by Josef Prusa. I wanted to document some of the resources I found online that have made this possible. Face shield design I started printing in early March...
Wish for it…. and win it
Our website now offers the ability to make and share a wishlist of your favorite Girl on the Rocks products! To celebrate, we want to make some of your wishes come true. On St. Nick's Day (December 6) we will randomly select the wishlist of one our...
Let’s knit some avocados
It seems like avocados are well loved, but are under-represented in knitted objects... A short round up of some avocados that I would like to knit... Avocado Lopapeysa by @the flying yak Avocado Plush toy by Style Thrive Handmade Why does this have no projects? We...
Groove Quilt
It took a while but I finally finished this Queen sized quilt.
Scarf for a tiny mounted buck
A pattern for a tiny scarf to go with your Mounted Buck Ornament Kit.
Sheep wraps per inch – new and improved
Larger easier to read letters. Available in Classic Bamboo and Premium Cherry
New material: Finished Cherry
A new premium material choice that is fully sanded and finished.