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Sock yarn Beer Cozy

A long time ago a bunch of knitters had a dream… They wanted to have a book published that was full of their knitting patterns. Not just any patterns, mind you, but lovingly designed beer cozies. The proceeds (if any) would go into a fund to supply beverages to thirsty …

Free pattern alert

DSCN2008.JPG Originally uploaded by abmatic. It seems that while I was away, fall has started to sneak its was into the Northern Hemisphere. Don’t get me wrong, it is flat out warm outside in the Bay Area right now, but the last few nights have been a little chilly (The …

Quick Manos scarf

I needed a quick gift project and was looking for an excuse to use some nice yarn, so this what I came up with. In a moment of weakness while at Article Pract the other day, I bought 2 skeins of Manos del Uruguay. I figured it was acceptable because …