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Crafty, Page 5

Fake Rhinebeck

It is the time of year where knitters flock to NYC for the New York Sheep and Wool Festival (aka Rhinebeck). I am in NY right now, but unfortunately I am locked up in the airport and I didn’t go to Rhinebeck. I am just here on a layover from …


I have a couple of new products up my sleeve, and I decided that ‘Talk like a Pirate’ Day is the perfect time to release one of them… As you might have noticed, I love little disembodied moustaches. I also love halloween. So I decided to dress up my little …

Octopus Revolution

I didn’t know that an octopus revolution was underway… Visit the Octopus Revolution Flickr group for a free crochet pattern for a basic little octopus. The group will showcase many variations on the same pattern. So make a little Octo and then dress him/her up! Found on Craftster.