Fake Rhinebeck
It is the time of year where knitters flock to NYC for the New York Sheep and Wool Festival (aka Rhinebeck). I am in NY right now, but unfortunately I am locked up in the airport and I didn’t go to Rhinebeck. I am just here on a layover from Ohio to California. Even the geographically impaired probably realize that NYC is not between Ohio and Cali, but I do what I can for cheap tickets.
Reading knitting blogs in the wake of rhinebeck can be a rough time for those of us that didn’t attend. It seems that almost everyone was there, and is eager to show off all the yarny and fibery goodness they acquired. It makes me jealous. So last year, I decided to have a contest exclusively for those that DIDN’T go to Rhinebeck, and I am going to have it again this year! You probably really don’t need any yarn, and have plenty of little gems that you have forgotten about hiding in your stash. So dig them out and take a picture of them, as if they are your new purchases. Post your pic to your blog, and tell us about your yarn as if it was new. Then leave me a comment by Saturday, October 27 at midnight Pacific and, viola, you are entered! edit: I forgot to mention that the winners will be chosen at random. I’ll summarize the rules again tomorrow
If you did attend Rhinebeck, and have a pile of new loot, you can still play. BUT you still have to head to your stash to re-photograph and reappreciate some of your old yarn to enter the contest.
Stay tuned tomorrow to see my picture, and see what prizes you can win!
p.s…. Ohio is pretty in the fall