Do you even knit anymore?
It seems like it has been a long time since I even showed you any knitting. But I am working on a few projects.
My Central Park Hoodie has a completed back, and I am working on one of the front pieces.
I accepted the fact that I am not a sock designer and ripped out this single sock that I designed myself.
It was too small for even me, and I somehow made the pattern almost impossible to size (and sock patterns without a S, M, and L size are one of my pet peeves). So the lovely STR will be reincarnated as a better fitting sock.
And I compeleted exactly half of a project by casting off one lonely sock.
Regia Canadian color #4733; 3 x 1 rib – my own pattern
And I do think the casting off was the best part. Why didn’t anyone tell me about the picot bind off featured in knitty? As a toe-up knitter, I was pretty happy to find these instructions and make a cute little bind off on these socks.
There. I have been knitting. Don’t forget about my contest – Midnight Pacific time tonight (sat june 10) is the cut off, so please tell me about your favorite knitting/crafting tool/material. I love reading all of the comments!