I can barter with the best of them
First of all, a big thanks to Tish at Delightful Designs. We were both very excited to trade some of our etsy goods… I sent some stitch markers and I got this:
A vintage pillow kit! In avocado green! It is going to look so good on my couch- It already does! Check out her shop… I am already eyeing the recycled cashmere yarn…
And let’s just say that on garage sale day in el cerrito $20 will get you everything you want and more.
Click through to see the insanity in detail
i often imagine that special items are always in really high concentrations in the areas that they come from. For example, in my mind, everyone in portland knits with Socks that rock all the time. And they don’t even know that it is special because it is just what they get locally. Coming from Ohio and having only eaten unripe avocados my whole life I discovered that, indeed, everyone in california puts avocados on everything all the time and that they are delicious (but they also put fruit in their salad. weird.) One might imagine that here in the SF bay area everyone runs around with Dansko’s and Timbuk2 bags and that garage sales are busting with them… Well they do and they are. I turned my nose up a to a pair of danskos and turned around to find that abby had secured herself a $5 timbuk2 bag. I made it back to the same sale closer to the end of the day to secure the pictured one for $3. i cannot believe that i didn’t buy it right away!
other highlights include
- 10 cents: the pre-plate tectonics book on earthquakes in California – a geologists delight (wait til you see this one, ingrid!)
- $3: the 70’s Mr. Juiceman Jr. Fresh juice every morning baby – my neighbor’s nightmare.
- $1: Carmen’s set of french onion soup bowls – on the list and found at the first sale we stopped at.
- the giant painting. Bought mostly to teach my fellow garage-salers a lesson about never turning down a $5 bargain. I am kinda already sick of looking at it.
- 50 cents: brent’s box of 70’s recipe cards.
. I made a flickr group just for them. There are already a few amazing contributions.