Projects on my mind
I don’t know if you have taken a peek at my sidebar lately, but I have joined a couple of casual knit-alongs. The first is Socktoberfest. The rules seem simple – knit some socks in october. Perfect, since i just turned a heel last night.
I am also comfortable enough to declare that I have figured out how to do short-row heels for toe up socks…. EXACTLY the SAME way as for top down socks. Took me long enough to realize they were symmetric so it doesn’t matter what type of sock you use them on.
I also joined the Fall Cable Knit along. i did this because I thought the next thing I would start on would be the ‘Central Park Hoodie’ from the Fall Knitscene magazine.
I know that I swore off hoods after the rogue… they take too much yarn, they make it seem like you should be done with the sweater, but you’re not… But i can’t resist. And now I can;t say for sure that his will be my next sweater project… Problem is, Knitpicks knows I am a sucker. If you have ever bought something from them, they send you almost weekly emails advertising a new pattern or yarn. Being a sucker, I open them. And this time I love the pattern and the yarn. go take a look at Emma. Inticing because it has it all: steeking, knitting in the round ( no purling!), suggested yarn in colors i like, and an awesomely huge collar.
Whoa! I just had an awesome idea – I think this yarn would also work for the central park hoodie!! Ahhhh, a green cabled sweater, and a brownish jacket… wouldn’t that be nice.
Finally, shamelessly, since I have yarn lust and no yarn budget I have to pimp my etsy shop
I’ll give you free First class shipping (priority if you order more than one) on yarn if you comment when you purchase that you read about the yarn on my blog. WAIT for an invoice from me before submitting payment!